Friday, August 03, 2012

Playing catch up..

I just got off a call with a school friend with whom I spoke after a gap of 8 years or so. It is his birthday today. Of course it was Facebook which pointed that out to me but the fact remains that I did end up calling him and wishing him. He was off to work so the call was brief, 5mins and 45 secs to be precise, but the rapture I felt within that small time was inexplicable. I could understand that the feeling was mutual and I could sense that.

After the call I was simply sitting, drawing breath and wondering. Wondering what exactly happened to my life in this timespan that I pretty much got disconnected with probably the very first set of friends I ever made in my life. I dont have a definite answer to that.

Do people slowly fall off until one fine day it just strikes you, "Hey where is this guy? I dont see him around, wonder what he is up to these days??".  Or is it just about your priorities at any given point in time?

You are not entirely wrong to think that I have too much time to kill. In fact I am thankful that I got this time to sit back and let this run through me!

I think I will label it 'Playing catch up'. Nostalgia is too cliched an emotion/term to ride on anyways!!!

I have already shot off FB messages to a few school friends. I am sure gonna use those minutes on my India calling card and guess what, that image up there is the most appropriate for this post :)

1 comment:

Anand Kharpate said...

very well written