Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Just checking out the Restrooms!!!"

Beer commercials are cool.

The one commercial which is my current favorite for the past 5-6 months is the Miller Lite 'Unmanly' commercial. See it below:

For ages I have observed ladies ask each other for company to the restroom. First I thought it would be some security thing but slowly I have realized that the ladies' restroom must be the best place to gossip. Well I am only taking a guess here, for I have no clue what goes in there. Its a different issue that there was a time during my growing up when I wondered if the ladies restroom was same as the men, but then I was just a kid then so lets discount that.

To spice up our mundane office existence more so at the client location, me and a friend of mine (of course a guy) decided to give this "bro, you joining me for a pee" thing a try. Each time any one of us had the urge to go, we did a quick, "Hey, lets do the unmanly thing..." and off we were (ofcourse we werent holding hands and all) to the restroom. It sure was hilarious, I mean saying the "Hey, lets do the unmanly thing.." part

The office has 2 floors. The first floor is occupied by us - 'contractors' and the second floor by - 'clients'. Preferential treatment you would say but well it doesn't really matter, I mean that's not the point. Each floor has its own restrooms. So one fine day as me and my friend were making our way to do our usual 'unmanly' business on the 'contractor' floor restroom, I got this brilliant idea of taking the show to the 'client' floor restroom. Like enthusiastic kids on a treasure hunt, we set out towards our destination. We hadn't really planned this well and we came to know that sooner rather than later

We climbed the steps up and just near the 'client' restroom there is a small sitting area which we completely missed. Sitting there was one of our lady clients who knew both of us well. Just for the sake of asking, she popped the question, "And what are you two gentleman doing up here??" ofcourse with a wide smile.

We weren't ready for this turn of events. Frankly speaking I was completely unaware because atleast I was thinking of the Miller Lite commercial. Even before I could formulate a coherent response to the question, my esteemed friend, unfazed and with utmost enthusiasm announced, "Nothing much, just checking out the restrooms!!!!"

'Just checking out the restrooms!!', what did he mean by 'just checking out the restrooms!' I looked at him, he looked at me and then both of us looked at her.

I wouldn't be able to express the look which I saw on her face. We hurried about our business and returned back to our desks.

That was the last time we ever thought of doing the 'Un-manly" thing again :P


Nightflier said...

Though the ad I could not hear, but the incident is hilarious I must say :D

Sayantan Datta said...

Make sure you (and your friend) don't get contracted for spinster parties now!