Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dates : A test of memory

I cannot plan ahead. That is one thing I have realized fairly late in my life and it is this limitation of mine which makes me absolutely unable to play cards and ofcourse makes me lame at chess. I even sucked at Age of Empires for a long time until I finally gave up. In Counter-Strike it was more of a team game and invariably I was the 'shock and die' guy running haywire with the lightest of guns, because I just couldn't be the planner who hung back with a sniper and waited for the right time. All I did was 'fire in the hole' and lost life because I myself didn't run away.

Why do I say this especially when the title of the post is 'Dates'. The reason is simple, 'dates' are a guys future. By 'dates' I mean both -  the living, opposite sex types and the ones which make up the calendar. Over the years I have come to believe that your future depends more on the 'dates' which make up your calendar than the 'dates' which are from the opposite sex. Well think about it, you tried your level best and did impress your 'date' on a particular 'date', but then when you forget that 'date' say after 6 months there is a very good chance your 'date' can walk away.

'Dates' can also be a very good ice breaker. Maybe you can offer to treat your would be 'date' on her birthday which ofcourse you got to know from her very close friend but one year down the line you forget to wish her on that same 'date' then my friend you have had it.

I admire parents in this regard. They never get affected or pissed if their child forgets to wish them on their birthday or even on their marriage anniversary. I even admire my elder sister for her tolerance. Well she does make up for it via RakhaBhandan and what not...you get the drift I presume. I also admire my friends (the guys) who really don't bother until and unless they know from where their next beer is coming.

Then you have some who want to test your memory and will not disclose their birth dates on the social media and will expect you to wish them a long life. I really don't understand the point in this. You think that people believe that you are still a 19 year old lad as your display pic predicts just because you haven't updated your birthdate on your profile.

Come to think of it more than birth dates I would like to remember dates which I consider to be milestones in my life (call me selfish if you want): 
1) The day I got my std X result
2) The day I first set foot in my engg collg
3) The day I wrote my last exam in that same engg collg
4) My first day at my first job
5) The day I set foot on foreign land for the first time

Well as I signoff I must also confess that there are certain birth-dates which are imprinted on my memory which I cannot erase even if I want to..maybe it is the memories than the dates.

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