Friday, April 10, 2009

The Great Purge

They said we have never done it before and will never even consider it in the future.

They said we have seen such situations before and come out of it unscathed and undoubtedly stronger.

They said even if we do not get any new business for a year we have reserves enough to pay all our employees salary for a year.

They said and I believed, I never asked for any written proof. I thought values were to be upheld and not be put down only on paper.

Extra-ordinary situations require extra-ordinary measures and so finally at the Great Indian Software Firm the Great Purge begins.

Let this be my shortest post ever. Aren’t the market pundits telling us to save.

Let me save my words for times merrier. :( :( :(


Neha Chakke said...

short nad sweet......but naive arent u????? :P......sabka time ata hai

Rahul Vidwans said...
