Friday, December 21, 2012

End(?) of the World?

The world didn't end. Not that I was doing a J-Lo-esque 'Waiting for tonight' number, counting down to 12/21/2012 0000hrs. But even then, it didn't end.

The very first time I realized that this was in all probability going to be a hoax was when I checked that the day in question was a Friday. We all know how the working populace just craves long weekends. So who ever started this pop 'End of the World' hype was/is planning for a very long weekend indeed. I am very sure that the Mayans did not really subscribe to the theory of weekends let alone long weekends, for Mother Nature never rests – would be their credo!!!

I have confessed many times to my near and dear ones that I remember birthdays, anniversaries etc, but in my pursuit of happiness, I just don't realize that those particular birthdays, those particular anniversaries are upon us until well after the day is ripe and almost near its end. Something similar happened to me with this whole 'End of the World' hoopla. I knew for sure it was 21st Dec 2012, but I only realized that when I walked to my office and had the wittiest of them throw a 'Hey, you feeling safe today?' line at me, of course followed by a booming self-appreciating laugh. Ohh yes, FB was of help but then it doesn't really help when majority of friends are in a different time zone. It just complicates matters.

So the day continues to unravel as the 'end of the world' propaganda silently makes way to the 'Waking up to a New Conscience' mantra which seems to soothe most of us. I guess I will have to sign a couple of online petitions before I am permitted to experience this newer, higher conscience though.

Wish you a Merry Christmas as I plan to gulp all those 'End of the World' specials which downtown Des Moines has to offer!!!

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