Sunday, June 14, 2009

But It Seldom Comes True

(Heres continuing on my Farewell poems :) )

With a tearful eye you bid them aideu;
In return they promise to meet again.
But it seldom comes true.
But it seldom comes true.

You write farewell messages for them;
In return they promise to call you the very next day.
But it seldom comes true.
But it seldom comes true.

You watch them leave with dreams of a bright future in their eyes;
In return they console you saying, “Its not that difficult yaar, even you can make it.”.
But it seldom comes true.
But it seldom comes true.

After the ordeal you get back to your desk and stare into your monitor;
In return you resolve, that tomorrow will be different.
But it seldom comes true.
But it seldom comes true.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey crisp to say the least