I am lazy. Every now and then I like to procrastinate. As long as I was by myself, I did not have anybody question me but since the Mrs has come into the picture ( > 6 yrs), I have had to get my act together. It has been a journey involving subtle nudges to warnings to outright rebellions which has made me yield significant ground.
Chores by definition are typically household in nature and have to be done each and every day. Its the routine-ness of the charade that gets to me really. It would take half the effort to complete the chore than avoid it. But then I am not one to shy away from a little tete-a-tete with the Mrs every now and then.
As long as I was WFO (working from office) there were some chores which being time sensitive never came my way. However with the current situation necessitating us to 'stay-at-home', there are no chores off limit. Infact in the initial part of the 'lockdown', I was enthusiastic to take up some, not only for a change of scenery but also with a view of earning some much needed 'brownie points' from the Mrs. I think I can do another blog on the 'brownie points' sometime in the future.
The one thing which you never realize about chores is that they tend to grow on you. They are like that creeper which before you know it engulfs you and boom, what started with "Let me help you out with this!" quickly becomes, "Hey, don't forget that you have to get that done..". Within the first week, my WFH (working from home) had transformed into WAH (working at home).
Social media wasn't far behind. Memes started flying thick and fast. I consider memes to be a salve especially if they tell your tale. They afford you a chance to laugh at yourself. They make your 'ordeal' socially acceptable, almost.
Research shows that it takes 21 days (3 weeks) to form a habit. The stay at home order has already been more than 21 days old. I wonder if some of my chores have become habits which I no longer question. Some food for thought, dare I say.