Sunday, April 05, 2020




  • 1. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view:

Its been more than 5 years since I posted anything on my blog. As you would have guessed the current 'stay at home' situation has me finding 'new' things to do or has me wanting to do 'old' things in a new way. It is the latter that has me finally get on my blog page.

A lot of Life has happened to me in the past 5 years and if you ask me to name one thing which I have gained in the last 5 years then without blinking my answer would be - 'I think I have gained a Perspective.' I am sure that some of you who have known me over the years will be surprised at my response and I don't blame them either. If I would have been asked the same question some time back I would have definitely replied - 'I think I have gained weight!' and that would have been the end of it.

Come to think of it - Perspective is the progeny of Circumstance and Intellect. The circumstances which present themselves in our life coupled with our intellect shape our responses and viewpoints which is nothing but a Perspective. Even if we cannot control circumstances, intellect is something which we can definitely shape ourselves.

In today's world of the social media where instant gratification and sensationalism are the buzzwords - it feels as if we have given up the power of shaping our own intellects. With Whatsapp messages/forwards, Facebook posts relentlessly bombarding us it is as if we have given someone else the power over our intellect. Whereas enough has been said and written about this already, it is something which still continues and I think will only get worse as time passes.

My initial response to this 'shaping' was by shutting down and withdrawing. I withdrew from social media. However over time I have realized that going into a silo is not the solution for this. Infact  the opposite seems to hold true. If we open up ourselves and give ourselves a chance to experience diverse streams of thought including the ones we outright discounted or despised earlier only then we can give our intellect a fair chance to decide what is right and what is wrong. Only then can we really claim to have an honest perspective of looking at things.

So with this new found perspective I intend to re-new my blog journey and hope to enrich myself. I am sure that along the way I will have found a lot of my old readers and a few new readers as well. 


Unknown said...

Well written. Would definitely like to read more.

Nightflier said...

So nice to read your thoughts after all these years!
I am looking forward to more!