Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Pedestrian and the Rain

(The Rains are finally onto us and we all have heaved a sigh of relief. A couple of days back while going home from office, the heavens opened up without provocation, there was bright sunlight one moment and close to a downpour the next. I like this game of hide and seek but then I saw pedestrians who were not only at the mercy of the rains but also us:-the motorists :( I spare a thought for them here!!!)

All of a sudden, without provocation they opened fire,
Not even a sign or an indication of the quagmire.
What could I do, nothing absolutely nothing,
Was it because I was the lowly pedestrian?

People in their cars where better prepared than me,
They rolled up their glass windows, so outside they could see.
What could I do, I just hung my head and took the lashing,
Was it because I was the lowly pedestrian?

Some motorists rushed past me in glee,
Painted me in mud in their ensuing melee.
What could I do, I just tightened my fist and then let go,
Was it because I was the lowly pedestrian.

I returned home in another hour all drenched and wet,
Looking out of the window I shouted to the still black skies.
“Why me? Why me?”,
“Because you were the lowly pedestrian son”, said thee.


Neha Chakke said...

touching n emphathetic........

Rahul Vidwans said...
