Friday, July 17, 2009

The Closet: And He Had the Last Laugh

"Will you atleast untie me!!!!” cried he but there was nobody around to hear his scream. It was pitch dark inside and after he regained consciousness he had felt a weight of another body onto him. But he was too weak to shake it off. And now with that last cry he has lost all his energy. He just lay there gasping for breath and waiting…

His master had never been so unkind before. “They get everything on the platter you see” came a voice from the darkness around him. “Who is it?” he managed to say even in his fright. “Here up above you. I think a couple of shelves above”. “Don’t bother to see, its been dark in here since a long time, except that there was light only a few hours back, I guess it was you who was thrown in then. Ha ha ha!!!” This guy like himself was trapped in here and on top that he was laughing. “Where am I?” he cried out again in anguish. “Hey will you shut up, I am trying to get some sleep here!! And you will do good if you stop whining.” came a voice some 4 shelves below him. Just to drive home the point he also heard furious tapping from the shelf below.

The lights in the room were put out. He could understand that by poring through a narrow slit near the roof of his enclosure and the night began. It was filthy in there. He was never used to such filth. His master took great care of him. He always carried him neatly wherever he went. Together with his master he had seen many a boardrooms and had also experienced many a corporate luncheons. But then why was he disposed off so unceremoniously. Thinking about this he fell off to sleep.

After what seemed an eternity, the closet door flung open. He slowly opened his eyes. The light was too bright for him. After all he had been in total darkness for so long. He had even lost count of days. “How does it matter to me in this darkness?”, he had said to himself.

“Now where did I put it!!??”, he heard the irritated voice of his master. “Is he searching for me?”, he said aloud, to nobody in particular. But he knew the answer even before he completed the question.

“Gosh, look at him Aditya, he is all crumpled up. I have to iron it.”, it was his master’s voice again. “You atleast found it. Now can you come over and help me with this knot!!! I have a morning bus to catch!!!”

A smile of triumph formed on his face. After all he deserved to have the last laugh!!!!

(At my workplace on Mondays and Tuesdays I have to be dressed in formals which includes the tie as well :( However during the summer months starting from April to June their is a tie relaxation wherein you are excused incase you do not wear the tie. However on the 1st July the TIE makes a comeback and has the Last Laugh!!! This write up is related to my thoughts on 1st July!!)

1 comment:

AshishKardile said...

Hey Nice Blog..Even i miss those days....Dunno where my tie is gone....Might be waiting for a last laugh :)