Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Obituary

The newspaper comes to my doorstep everyday,
I also spend time in reading it each way.
But yet sometimes I try to make more sense,
And to wear a minute lens.

Off all the sections in the daily rag,
Which are the pages read by a very few ragtag?
Is it Business, Classifieds even some publicity gag,
Or is it something even more scant?

And then my eyes rested on one,
I have found it, it was right there with another one.
Two young passport sized photos stared at me;
Why they were there was for everybody to see.

One met with an accident and was only 24
Until I turned to the other my eyes became sore
These days I open first that page of the daily,
Close my eyes tight and ask what was their folly?

**just happened to come across a couple of obituaries of young people, accidental deaths. This poem is what came out. Really the obituary section is something which I think would never be looked at in a newspaper, but then when you do glance at it by chance and see somebody young lose his/her life in an accident you cannot wait but ponder as to what exactly would have been there folly?


Nightflier said...

so true and touching ...

Unknown said...
