Wednesday, January 02, 2008

If only you would have faced it dear...

Is it really hard when somebody just says no?
Or is it that you think so?
Do two no's make a yes?
Is life like a game of chess?

You pretend to have the answers to these,
And you sit back and munch on your cheese.
But then out of the blue IT comes to the fore,
and says, hey there try making 2 and 2 four.

You are dumbfounded, and u are slow,
For you never excepted it to hit you so low.
You try hard to add up your numbers,
But all you can see is a field of cucumbers.

IT gives you chances to look around and learn
But each time you show little concern
Then IT starts robbing you one by one
Expecting that atleast now you will stand up and say that, "I am the one."

But you just sit there looking at the cucumbers,
Even smiling as you enjoy your slumbers.
IT tries to wake you up by laying a trap,
But you are too slow to even react.

It all ends one fine morning,
When IT comes all demanding.
You try hard to remember your numbers
But all you can manage are again cucumbers.

All that remains of you now is a distant memory,
That too,not amongst all who attended the last ceremony.
A few still visit you sometimes to shed a tear
and say , "If only you would have faced it dear..."


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Rahul Vidwans said...
