Saturday, November 24, 2007

For you MY LOVE

I don't know what took me so long,
and this ain't even a song.
You may call it a rhyme if you wish,
but all i want to give is a LOVE YOU kiss.

Don't ask me why and how much I love you;
I just want you to know that I care for you.
I may not call you up 4 times a day,
But hey quality is rare, what say?

I still remember that first cofee we had,
I was all agressive and in innocence you were clad.
I thik I made a mess out of it, I even worded it bad;
But it was a burden off my shoulders , and I think even you were glad.

For you MY LOVE, I put my CREATIVITY to the test.
I hope you like it, even call it BEST.
In my life, My LOVE, you are the only BEND,
You are the start and you are the only END.

{Its been more than a year and a half since i wrote this one, thought I had lost the original manuscript but I bumped into it and here it is posted.As could be anybody's guess, this one is DEDICATED and ofcourse written for my DEAREST.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This RHYME will never RHYME

I would be just fine I think many times,
All alone and without any rhymes.
But then a distant melody,
Comes along and sings me a lullaby.

I try not to close my eyes,
Cos I have to face what ahead lies.
But then I hear a soothing chime,
I loose patience and fall in a deep ravine.

As I go down I feel light,
Almost as if I am a kite.
I see my friends waving and smiling
Making everything funny and rhyming.

Even then not all is fine,
Cos not everything is rosy and sublime.
I hurt someone, I committed a crime,
And because of that, this rhyme will never rhyme...

Thursday, September 06, 2007


After many days I have finally found time,
To call it entirely mine.
No phones, no mails,not even undue sleep,
All the time i need and all mine to keep.

I decided to take a stroll,
On a path seldom used before.
I tried to find my goal
I tried to explore my core.

The path was not that easy to transgress,
There were many pitfalls at every step.
But the hardest one of those I guess,
Was that I was all alone and the pitfalls had frightening depth.

It will take sometime for me to get there I know,
Cos people say that I am real slow.
But deep inside the flame still burns,
For until I get there, in my mind the path churns.