Friday, March 17, 2006

Dombivali Fast...

A story line almost anyone can connect to and powerhouse performances is what makes this movie a must see. Frankly speaking the problems taken up in this movie seem ore relevant to the common man compared to the MIG crashes. The life of a typical Marathi middle class household from the Mumbai suburbs has been flawlessly captured. The early morning queue at the water tanker for the daily quota of water, the constant bugging of the housewife, the efforts to manage the household with the modest salary of a bank clerk and finally the principles of the middle class white collared individual give the movie a real feel.
There are no killings of ministers here but a definite sequence of events that can definitely happen in real life. On top of this the movie never loses pace. Its packaged very well in a timeframe of 2 hrs. It can sure awaken many of us if not a generation.
I would say a must see for everyone. Well it will not capture the imagination of the nation or so because :
1) Its Marathi: even people who speak Marathi are not interested in Marathi movies
2) There is no Aamir Khan here
3) There are no action stunts involved
4) It talks of local issues, issues which you come across each day but people are interested more in national issues.

Hats off to the makers of DF………….

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