Sunday, January 29, 2006


Almost each and every one of us knew that the movie revolved around the MIG crashes (thanks to the IAF censure) and also around I don’t remember the exact number but lets say ‘x’ buffaloes, ‘y’ horses (thanks to Mrs. Maneka Gandhi) and some humans…..actually the animals in the movie and some humans on screen played their part well but it was the humans behind the scenes who failed miserably.
Movies regarding corruption in politics, politics underworld nexus have been galore but ‘MIG crashes’ was virgin territory and some more research would have helped. The way the movie went forward with the making of the documentary on the lifes of the revolutionaries was well done but then after the interval the movie lost its grip. The death of Madhavan in a MIG crash (well in wht other way they would have brought in the MIG’s) and then the ease at which Aamir and co. kill the DEFENCE MINISTER of INDIA was predictable and illogical respectively. Then after a day or two they coolly walk and take over an AIR broadcasting station to tell the country their motive behind the killing just like Bhagat Singh and co. did by surrendering before the British.
Well it is not over yet, the government after hearing their announcements send special commandoes with orders to kill everybody. So what does the director imply that Bhagat Singh was better off when he surrendered to the British than DJ and his friends??? One more memorable scene was the one where the DEFENCE MINISTER is compared to Dyer at the sight of the Jalianwalla Bagh. That was both too loud and left a sour feeling in my mouth. Also in most Hindi cinema the police arrive after the incident has taken place but here we see no investigative authority anywhere even when a person as important as the DEFENCE MINISTER is killed. I mean are we rational beings or what?
Finally I would say that the soundtrack is awesome, the movie is interesting before the interval and after that it becomes a freak show….frankly speaking ‘MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING’
If Aamir Khan is going to sit on such scripts for two to three years then I think he should really get his brain checked!!!!


Prayag said...

dude....this post defines a cynics viewpoint.
how come u missed the thousand great points that the movie had and managed to crib about the few shortcomings that it sadly had !
get a life....

Dev said...

Hii Advait.. Firstly.. I must say this is an interesting blog...less interesting than YOU even though :-)

About this post : Finding logic in a film.. Bollywood or Hollywood is never easy! after all its a movie :)

But it was nice. Now, I have a blog too :

sandnya said...

I didnt come out of the theatre with a great feeling about the movie but after a few days and discussions i did find it interesting... there are lotsa plus points in the movie that i liked... it is a good attempt at something different!

P1 said...
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P1 said...

well my experience was similar 2 sandnya....Dude i feel u getting 2 harsh on the director and amir...amir did a fantastic job as an actor[specially the way he had adapted the north indian accent]...and it still was a very innovative way of combining the past and the present scenarios...and relating smthng like a freedom struggle 2 the modern was a gud wake up call though not a shake up call.....
About the finance minister and all..well YEAH INDIA HAIN ..ppl need masala else it wont the bottom line is that its a good attempt 2 deviate 4m the foolish romatic stuff thats been continuously dumped on us till date

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Unknown said...

hey.. everyone,i've got a strong feeling of love to my motherland. we should be.. co'z the freedom we r enjyoing has got a sad story to tell. I think the movie upto 2 a certain limit has shown us about is havin an exellent direction of interlinkin the past n the present. we the people of india should promote such type of movies other than crap prono n x rated movies. we d youth should be careful abt the matter of braindrain. its happenin and its a fact.. we have to work 4 india and make our nation stand forth among nations and therby giving peace 2 the souls of the great leaders.